Beach & sun

Beach & sun - omarfeitotradicion


Un dos atractivos para aqueles que visitan Rianxo, sobre todo para os que viaxan en familia, son as praias, xa que son de augas tranquilas e sitas en espazos naturais.

A principal praia do Concello en canto a número de visitantes, servizos (servizo de salvamento, duchas, aseos, aparcadoiro, restaurantes, auga potable, etc.) é a praia de Tanxil, a máis próxima ao casco urbano.

Preto de Tanxil está a praia de Tronco, praia tranquila e pouco concorrida, sita aos pés dunha escarpada parede cuberta de vexetación.

Unha fermosa e tranquila praia nun entorno natural privilexiado, preto da desembocadura do río Ulla, é a praia das Cunchas, con servizo de salvamento, posto de bebidas, aparcadoiro, baños, etc.

Separada desta por unha franxa de terra, chamada a Punta do Castro, que alberga un antigo asentamento castrexo, está a praia do Porrón, unha das máis longas do Concello.

Non obstante, a praia posuidora deste privilexio é a praia da Torre, sita na parroquia de Taragoña, ao lado da desembocadura do río Té, e na que remata o Paseo Marítimo que vén desde Rianxo. Preto do lugar atópanse as ruínas medievais do Castelo da Lúa, próximas tamén a outra praia, a praia do Pazo, a cal conta con magníficas vistas á enseada de Rianxo.

Ademais, Rianxo conta con pequenos areais agochados, enfrascados en paraxes naturais e moi tranquilos, como as fermosas calas da desembocadura do Ulla, Abuín e Sartaxes, a praia de Quenxo, entre Tanxil e Punta Fincheira, a praia de Leiro, nas inmediacións do porto da parroquia de Leiro, e a praia do Porto, sita no porto da parroquia de Taragoña, que conta con fermosas vistas á ría de Arousa e á ría de Beluso.


The closest to the urban centre, is the main beach in the municipality regarding its number of visitors, its facilities and the services available (lifeguards, showers, toilets, parking lot, restaurants, drinking water, etc.) 

Close to Tanxil is a quiet and less frequented beach, Tronco beach, located at the foot of a cliff covered with vegetation.

As Cunchas

Beautiful and quiet beach set in a privileged natural environment near the mouth of river Ulla. It has a parking area, a food stand, and a pine grove to stay out of the sun.

Next to this beach is Porrón beach, separated from the former by a strip of land.

The nearby castro (settlement) and several petroglyphs are a definite must see.

A Torre

This is the most extensive beach in the municipality, located at the very mouth of river Té, in the parish of Taragoña, and can be accessed on foot from the seaside promenade. It has a wide play area including a rest area, and features a parking lot and a refreshment stand.

The nearby ruins of Castelo da Lúa (Moon Castle) and Porto do Pazo (Palace's Port) are located on the opposite riverbank.

O Porrón

This is one of the longest beaches in the municipality, located in a pleasant environment and very close to Cunchas beach, frequented by families with children due to its calm waters. It can be accessed from Brión.

Standing between this beach and Cunchas beach, Punta do Castro point contains an ancient castro.

Praia do Pazo

This magnificent beach overlooking Rianxo bay is located along the seaside promenade.

Praia de Quenxo

Located between Tanxil beach and Fincheira's promenade, Quenxo beach is very close to the urban centre and quieter than its neighbouring Tanxil beach. It is overlooked by a sculpture of Our Lady of Guadalupe created by the German sculptor Bert Gerresheim.

Praia do Porto

This small beach is located next to the port of Taragoña, and offers views over the estuaries of Arousa and Beluso.


Calm and quiet beach located near Tanxil, in an area of single-family houses near Camping Rianxo, at the foot of a steep cliff covered with vegetation.

Abuín e Sartaxes

These two beautiful coves, located at the mouth of river Ulla, offer magnificent views.

Praia de Leiro

Located in the surroundings of Leiro port, this cosy beach has good views over the mouth of river Ulla. Next to this one, there is another beach of similar characteristics at the other end of the port.