Festivities - omarfeitotradicion
The feasts, fairs, pilgrimages and festivals collected here are a merely an estimate of those celebrated regularly, therefore dates may change from one year to the next, or may not be celebrated at all.
Individual information about each of the above is published in the Sociocultural Agenda.
Our Lady of Guadalupe Festival
This is the most important festival in the municipality. It is celebrated on the first Sunday after 8 September. It is an over 100-year tradition and was declared "of tourist interest" in Galicia. Rianxo pays tribute to its "Brunette Virgin" by offering her a week of celebrations filled with cultural and recreational activities.
The waterway parade is one of the highlights of the celebration, when the image of the Virgin is transported across the estuary escorted by a retinue of boats especially decorated for the occasion. But aside from the waterway parade, perhaps the most emotional moment is the last day of the festival, in which the bands and a large crowd packing Castelao Square sing The Rianxeira amidst thousands of fireworks.
Food Festivals
Sardine Festival
It is celebrated around the bank holiday of Saint James the Apostle (25 July). This is the day of exaltation of the sardine, one of the most typical fishes in the area, which is prepared in different ways, either grilled or marinated, in pies, with boiled potatoes, or simply accompanied by bread and wine. Not to be missed are the bands and music groups entertaining this day of eminently popular character.
Mussel Festival
This food festival is celebrated at the beginning of August and includes several activities involving one of Rianxo's flagship products.
Seafaring Fair
This craft fair is set in Rianxo and its seafaring activity at the beginning of the 20th century. The fair is held during the Festival of Guadalupe, and locals take active part in the celebration, which includes singing and dancing traditional music and wearing traditional or old costumes.
Street market
There is a street market at Castelao Square and Campo de Arriba every Wednesday and Sunday throughout the year.
Music festivals
Antrospinos Festival
The annual festival celebrated in Campo Maneiro, Taragoña, is now a music reference in the country. It is held for several days at the end of July, and part of the funds obtained are used for reforestation.
Rock in Rian
The Rock in Rian Festival is celebrated on the feast day (Saturday) of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Rianxo. The event is growing each year and welcomes performances by the most significant Galician bands of different music styles.
Universal Festivals
Entroido (Galician for carnival) is a popular celebration originated from a feast held to mark the end of winter and the beginning of spring.
It stands at the crossroads of Christian and pagan rituals, and symbolises a period to break the rules, change personalities or identity, and take an ironic look at well-established institutions. It is undoubtedly one of the most irreverent festivals of the Galician calendar, and widely celebrated among municipalities in Galicia, and this obviously includes the entire peninsula of Barbanza.
Long-established celebration in the whole territory of Galicia to commemorate the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. During these days, numerous processions fill the streets of the village with a religious spirit. Since 2011 the programme of events has been organised by the brotherhood Irmandade da Paixón de Cristo.
Corpus Christi
Flower carpets created by the villagers of Rianxo are the main protagonists during this feast celebrated in June, as they decorate the same village streets that will be later traversed by the processions.
Saint John's Bonfire Night
This magic night since time immemorial coincides with the celebration of the summer solstice, and has very special characteristics in our homeland. This is the night of fire, smoke and water, when the powers of holy and miraculous springs come back to life, the night of the nine mythical waves of purification and fecundation, and of the vegetable world. Visitors gather round the fires to taste grilled sardines and meat. Later on, they jump over the bonfires to scare away "meigas" (witches) and attract good luck.
The feast of the "Magosto" is a celebration of the autumn cycle, in which chestnuts and young wine are the main protagonists. It is generally celebrated between All Saints' Day and Saint Martin's day, or Pig Slaughter Day. Event visitors get together to roast and taste chestnuts and then play, dance, tell stories, sing, etc. It is likewise customary to cover each others' faces with ashes from the remnants of the fire and jump over it to attract good luck.
It is the quintessential Celtic festival marking the end of the harvest season and the beginning of the new year. On this night, the worlds of the living and the dead became one, and the souls of the dead were allowed to walk among the living, so that people could meet their ancestors. This ancient festival continues to our day on the eve before the Christian celebration of All Saints Day, after reviving some of the ancient traditions, such as emptying and carving grotesque faces in pumpkins and then place them outdoors to spend the night with a lit candle inside.

From Christmas Day to Three Kings´ Day
Patron saint and summer festivals
Festival of Our Lady of the Abandoned at Brión: in March or April, in the parish of Leiro.
Festival of St. Rita: on 22 May in Rianxo.
Festival of St. Anthony at Pazo: in July in Pazo village, parish of Rianxo.
Festival of St. Anthony at Vacariza: in mid-June in Vacariza, parish of Isorna.
Festival of St. John: in June in the parish of Araño, in Ermida village.
Festival of St. Christopher: vehicle blessing in Rianxo and procession throughout the village, at the beginning of July.
Festival of Miracles: on the first Sunday of August in the parish of Araño.
Pilgrimage of St. Peter at Vilas: around 29 June at the hermitage of St. Peter, parish of Asados.
Festival of Our Lady of Mount Carmel at Rianxo: around 16 July, in honour of Our Lady of Navigators.
Taragoña Summer Festival: celebrated around 18 July in the parish of Taragoña.
Festival of the Divine Saviour: on 6 August in the parish of Taragoña.
Asados Summer Festival: celebrated in August in the parish of Asados.
Festival of Isorna: during the second fortnight of August in Isorna.
Festival of St. Roch: towards the end of August in Rianxo.
Festival of St. Bartholomew: last weekend of August at Chapel of Saint Bartholomew at Rianxo docks.
Festival of the Sorrows: celebrated right after the festival of Guadalupe, in Rianxo, in honour of Our Lady of Sorrows.
Festival of Our Lady of Mount Carmel at Leiro: in October in the parish of Leiro.
Festival of St. Columba: the festival of the Patron Saint of Rianxo is celebrated on 31 December.